B-Side Security SF

I went to day one of the 2015 B-Side Security SF conference. I was expecting a small local conference but it was a pretty good sized event with a lot of people there. The focus was on the talks and networking, no vendors hawking their security wares. I went with ...

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Pelican Config

Pelican Static Site Generator

I'm using Pelican to build this site. It's pretty great and I'd like to share the config that I am using for it.

My pelicanconf.py config file is hosted as a gist.

Pelican comes with some great defaults, I have not had ...

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Big Data at Work

The Situation

At work we are concerned about the amount of data that our next project will generate. After the system is up with a few thousand customers we are estimating that we could be getting 10GB of data per day. This volume of data goes beyond our level of ...

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Need better tools at work

Right tool for the job

At work we really need some better tools. Testing our programs is just not easy when all you have is the program. It can take a while to manually put it into the state that you need to test. Currently we do not use any ...

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Switching to Java at work

So at my day job I have always used PHP for back-end work. But I am happy so say that I finally get to expand into Java for some things! I know that Java as a language is not the hottest thing anymore, but I think it is really good ...

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Geeks 4 Good jam

So yesterday I went to the Geeks 4 Good Jam. I got an invite on Facebook from an old classmate of mine. I was eager to reconnect with her and also get some leads on good projects I could work on. The event was about letting developers know of organizations ...

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My first computer was a Commodore 64. That was released in 1982, but I wasn't even born yet. I had mine in the early 90s. All our stuff came from garage sales or the discount rack back then. We only used the C64 for playing games. I remember ...

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